Purple buds

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Member: MarshaSea
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A photograph of the buds of a very tiny purple flower. I am experimenting with my new macro lens, and I am discovering that macro photography is really difficult.


Guest - May 18, 2007 07:59 PM EDT
Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your suggestions. This is hard, but it is fun, and it is nice to have more experienced photographers who are willing to share their knowledge. Thanks, Marsha
Guest - May 18, 2007 10:33 AM EDT
Beautiful color Marsha. Very nice, I like the dark stem. Good tips PG, nice write up. Don
Guest - May 18, 2007 12:34 AM EDT
Hi ya Marsha, just some friendly tips. I have only been taking photos for 3 years but I did start off with a macro lens as this part of photograpy has alway facinated me. And still to this day, is my favorite type of photography. I have found the more depth or contours an object has the better the picture. The flatter and object is the more you will be dissappointed in the image. I will now go to a garden and see right away just by the shape and flatnes of a flower wich ones will turn out. Say for example: a Black Eyed Susan is fairly flat. I have taken multiple pictures of this flower and none of them have turned out reeeeaaal well. It took me probably 2 years to actually start seeing with a macro eye. Another thing I have learned is never us the automatic focus for macro's. Always do the focusing manually. You will be so much more pleased with the results as the camera always picks up the detail closet to the camera and not the detail that you wish to display. It may feel awkward to take the auto focus off and start playing with the manual focus but it is well worth the rewards you will see. I hope my experiance with this exciting facet of photography will aid you in getting the results that you expect. I just wish I had some one to explain macros when I stared, like you said it is difficult. The challange is however well rewarding when you see your minds vision on the processed outcome. I know you will truley have fun and if you learn any cool tips send them my way.

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