Summer Fun

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Member: Thor-eye
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My Son Hamish after having water play in the sprinkle.

Yay, it's getting hot here in NZ!


JessicaCooper - Jun 08, 2008 02:37 PM EDT
I like the "up closeness" to this shot. Beautiful focusing, nice composition, great shot.
Guest - Nov 26, 2006 09:25 PM EDT
Thanks Artsyinchicago and Don for your recent comments, sorry I'm a bit behind too with replying. Our weather is very changeable at the moment.
Guest - Nov 12, 2006 10:59 AM EDT
I missed this one somehow mel. I am still behind posting after a couple of days off the computer :-)Great shot! A very handsome boy you have there, the water drops make for a perfect picture. Super shot! Don
Guest - Nov 12, 2006 10:27 AM EDT
Great portrait! A picture says a million words. Great close up and skin tones. The drips of water on his face gives a clear indication that it is sure hot outside, and he wants to go back in that sprinkler really soon!
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 10:05 PM EDT
Wow, thanks Steve, Deb, Shawna, Alandra & Mike, I really appreciate your great comments. Hamish is a strong will Taurus. He's just about out of the phase of not wanting his photo taken, so pleased about that as he is so photogenic. Mel. Yes, SilverDebster - practicing for further weddings!
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 04:41 PM EDT
well what can i say that has not been said ? alovely son u have thor eye he give the impression of butter would not melt in his mouth.. excellent shot
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 06:29 AM EDT
lovely portrait of Hamish, Mel. Echoing Steve's comment about the skin tone/texture, just great.
Guest - Nov 08, 2006 12:32 PM EDT
I agree with all the other comments, this caught my eye right away, great portrait!!~Shawna
Guest - Nov 08, 2006 05:35 AM EDT
Good one, Mel :) Full on expression and the hair's great! Cropping the top off a headshot is usually a negative but for this portrait the close cropping has concentrated all the power in his brooding look, drawing us right into his face. I really do like it. Practising here for wedding portraits???
Guest - Nov 08, 2006 04:08 AM EDT
Fantastic shot! The skin tones are remarkably good, even at this low resolution. And I wouldn't want to cross this young man - he looks very determined!
Guest - Nov 08, 2006 04:04 AM EDT
Thanks Golda, He's bit of a lady charmer.
Guest - Nov 08, 2006 01:01 AM EDT
What a wonderful portrait of your handsome son!

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