Just Herd

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Member: Lulu
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I think these cattle thought I was going to distribute some hay as they followed me the whole length of their paddock.


Guest - Aug 03, 2005 03:55 AM EDT
Thanks Shirree and Carol for your comments. Carol, the countryside is usually much nicer when it's not so wet and rainy looking. At least the grass is green. These cows were rather cute though,
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 05:37 AM EDT
Nice picture of cows and such pretty countryside picture here. Carol
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 05:01 AM EDT
A great, typical farming NZ shot. The lush green grass, and the overcast sky reminds my of our last home in Taupo, where we lived on a farm. I think the 'bottom heavy' compisition of this photo is a neat idea - though it would not have had the same effect if the sky was blue and cloudy.

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