Hummingbird - front view, suspended in air

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Member: alandrapal
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from the open front window, a few minutes ago, hummer feeding. Am happy to have captured the iridescence of the red gorget/throat feathers in this one : ) plus one of it's eyes is visible.

Suspended in air a few inches from the ground on the front driveway. the vehicle tire is in background.
not sure if this is an immature male Rufous or Allens hummingbird. will have to get the bird book out to double check. It's got a lot of rufous colouring on it.


Who would I report t

Sibusiso - Oct 13, 2015 04:07 PM EDT
Who would I report to? It's so rersifheng to see someone taking an artistic and sensual approach to pornography!! Beautiful and erotic. Infinitely better than that fake everything, over the top, horribly acted out stuff that Brazzers churns out *pukes.
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 04:48 PM EDT
thankyou Tania for the praise. am late sending this.
Guest - Aug 18, 2005 02:36 AM EDT
Wow!! very cleaver the body of the bird is clear and the wings are a blur. you should be pleased with this effort
Guest - Jul 06, 2005 10:53 PM EDT
thanks Gary and Deb. Am not sure what the name of the flowers is, Deb. They just self seed each year and we leave them due to the hummers loving them : ) We also thought they were weeds earlier, before any actually bloomed. Quite pretty really.
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 09:43 PM EDT
Good on you getting this one :) BTW what's the name of the flowers there? I have them coming up everywhere in my garden, for the first time, and I thought they were a weed but I like them so let them grow where they will.
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 08:44 PM EDT
Nice going! Hummingbirds are very hard to photograph. My lens is not good enough to ever get a shot like this.
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 05:11 PM EDT
thanks, Carol. am just sorry his beak doesn't show, - the flower just got in the way : ) but the way his gorget feathers/throat are gleaming, - am happy about capturing that. guess it's hard to get everything in one pic lol
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 10:21 AM EDT
Truely amazing how you captured this little guy in midair. Carol

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