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Views: 327
Member: Pain_and_Agony
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About This Image

Rainbow Lorikeet in feeder


TMR8 - Jul 13, 2008 08:02 PM EDT
I love their vivid colours. Are they in your back yard or at a sanctuary.
Guest - Apr 19, 2005 03:46 PM EDT
Pain_and_agony...? Even though I had a pretty serious fall just after taking a photo of a seagull, breaking three ribs, that's not the reason for the name. It came about when I was trying to register a user-name not already owned by someone else. I stated to my son that 'this process is a lot of pain and agony'. He said, 'try that', I did, it worked. Been P & A since.
Guest - Apr 19, 2005 12:15 PM EDT
You have some beautiful pictures!! I do like this one a lot. Wht do you call yourself pain and agony?

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