Passion flowers

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Member: sgbrown
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Since passion flowers seem a popular subject here, and especially for grumpy Mike!


Guest - Jun 02, 2007 08:29 AM EDT
It is beautiful ... I can just picture it on a bigger scale the effect this one would have.
Guest - May 30, 2007 05:19 AM EDT
Thanks for your post, nanakiwi! Although I'd heard part of this (the wounds and crown of thorns) I hadn't heard all the other details, so I found this very interesting!
Guest - May 29, 2007 11:54 PM EDT
Have you heard the story of the passion flower? Whenever I see the passionflower it always reminds me of the story that I was taught years ago. The spiraled tendrils - the lash of Christ's scourging The central flower column - the pillar of the Scourging The 72 radial filaments - the Crown of Thorns The top 3 stigma - the 3 Nails The lower 5 anthers - the 5 wounds The Style - the Sponge used to moisten Christ's Lips with Vinegar The leaves - the head of the Centurion's Spear The red stains - Christ's Blood Drops
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 08:39 PM EDT
Beautiful flowers, they are a neat one. Nice capture of them! Don
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 06:43 PM EDT
awwwwwwwww thank you steve x lovely shot to mine still flowering .
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 03:49 PM EDT
pretty composition for the passion flowers, Steve. They are interesting flowers, aren't they! - have never grown any tho', but also have some pics of them on my site.
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 11:55 AM EDT
A charming shot of this lovely flower. I have a few photos of this flower in my gallery too.

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