Mt Egmont from afar

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I have my camera back. I though I had lost my arm I missed it so much. So today was a bonding day just me and my camera.

This is Mt Egmont in Taranaki New Zealands North Island. When I left home there were no clouds around the mountain. 10 mins later it looked like this and by the time I got up the mountain it was covered with dark clouds and it was cold.


Guest - Jun 20, 2006 10:17 PM EDT
Thank you all for your nice comments
Guest - Jun 20, 2006 09:05 PM EDT
Gorgeous photo!!! Carol
Guest - Aug 30, 2005 03:08 AM EDT
Hi Tania, yes you are right, - I have often wondered how our lives might have turned out, had we moved to NZ instead of moving to Canada. But it's one of those things we'll never know : ) British Columbia is all I know now, as have lived here so long, - but of course, still remember England. I love both countries.
Guest - Aug 30, 2005 02:58 AM EDT
Mt Egmont (Taranaki) is so beautiful and you portray it so nicely in your photos. I'm going to have to come over and view it for real. It sounds really strange but I actually love all our volcanoes. Probably wouldn't if they were active though.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 11:39 PM EDT
Alandra. It is sad about your dads transfer being cancelled. It would have been a great way for you to experience different countries and ways of life. Thank you for your kind comments
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 10:46 PM EDT
this is a very beautiful scene, Tania. glad you got your camera back, know what you mean, as would feel the same way. it's great seeing all these scenes of your lovely country, - not sure if I mentioned this before, but my dad was going to be transferred to NZ with the Royal Navy years ago, but the Korean War broke out, so all transfers were cancelled.

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