Mill on the Gartempe

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This old water mill on the Gartempe river in central France was photographed from the bridge which is the subject of another photograph in my gallery.


Guest - Nov 03, 2006 09:31 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra for your fascinating comment! You're not alone in seeing a connection between the Haute-Vienne and Devon: lots of English people I know say that the Limousin reminds them of Devon! Have you been back to England recently?
Guest - Nov 03, 2006 05:18 AM EDT
very pretty scene, --seeing this mill brings back memories of childhood in England, - used to walk past a mill (Woodmill) enroute to my maternal grandmother's house. There was a hole in the gate beyond the mill, and it was hard to pass by without looking thru the hole, to see the water swirling and churning below, a bit awesome/scarey to a child also. Some of my ancestors in Devon were millers.

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