Leaves a fire

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Member: Mary Slade
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About This Image

This is a photo of a bonfire in the garden of the house where my husband grew up. His mum and dad lived there for fifty years.

The verse is written by my husband. The intention is that each side can be read independently, or one side read across to the other. It provokes an atmosphere not entirely comfortable. Therefore, it is thought provoking. I immediately honed in on the simple bit- a reference to a fire! I wanted to create the warmth through the colours. But I also wanted to depict the fact that the meaning of the verse was not satic and comfortable by altering the colour of the letters for example.

The deeper meaning of fire ultimately causing ashes is an aspect of the human condition he touches on at the end of his writing. I decided to search no further for a visual image for this!


Guest - Jan 20, 2006 12:48 PM EDT
No, it is not your glasses! I sent this and others to usefilm.com and they come out much bigger and clearer (once you join-it is free.) Gathers them up-water in fingers Old memories and-wafer-thin New resentments-resemblances He builds a fire-refracted And watches the smoke-in a mirror And then the flames-he sees He turns away-and turns away Ashes- she says. (Any use to you?!)
Guest - Jan 20, 2006 12:18 PM EDT
another very interesting concept, Mary. Am having difficulty reading the verse tho' (must need new glasses : ) perhaps you would write out the words separately here, as would like to read them, thankyou.

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