It's A? What is it?

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Member: A.Lovely
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I just think this capture is fun. Nothing more or less. What is it?


A.Lovely - Sep 29, 2011 10:33 AM EDT
Thank you Karen for viewing and commenting on this fun capture. Yes, it was on my deck. We have had over the norm amount of rain and it has colored the deck in areas. I just saw this knot an marveled at how it looked like an eye.
Karen Moen - Sep 28, 2011 10:03 PM EDT
It is amazing how much that knot looks like a brown eye, and the stripes make me think of a zebra. Is that a wood door or wood deck?
A.Lovely - Sep 27, 2011 12:04 PM EDT
Hi Julie, It's not a log, but you are close so I will give it to you. This summer we have had such wet weather. This is a board on my deck. Yes, it is a knot in the board. It was during the last of the hurricane and I was taking captures of the rain. I noticed this knot and thought how it looked like an eye. It was just a fun capture and I thought I would share it. Thanks for viewing and leaving a comment.
JulieMetott - Sep 27, 2011 08:51 AM EDT
My guess is a knot on a submerged log, but with a little imagination the eye of many things.

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