Here Chook Chook

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Another chicken from the neighbours across the road. This one obviously wasn't as hungry as the others.


Guest - Aug 08, 2005 06:31 AM EDT
A jumper here is a sweater, sweatshirt, jersey, pullover and there are probably many more names also. It keeps you warm but is not a jacket. I think you get the idea.
Guest - Jul 31, 2005 12:13 PM EDT
people do get confused with accents, just last summer when we were walking our dogs down at the local beach park, we struck up a conversation with another walker, and the man later asked if I was from South Africa, and have been asked that a few times. Always surprises me that I still have any "accent" left, after being here so long, - But what happened is that I went back to England for about 5 months when I was 19 , and really got an accent back during that time, without realizing it, and guess it never really went. Funny re "jumper", I'd forgotten that momentarily. Jumper here in North America is what is called "pinafore dress" in England, not sure what they are in NZ.
Guest - Jul 31, 2005 05:12 AM EDT
While in Canada, people thought we were English. It was nice that people didn't just presume where we were from and they asked us instead. Yes, we refer to cooked chickens as chooks also. While in the States, I told my daughter to grab her jumper and my American friend asked me what a jumper was. I told her that its what we call a sweater and she thought that was really funny.
Guest - Jul 31, 2005 01:18 AM EDT
can relate to that, coming from England as a kid, to Canada. People couldn't understand us either. Had never heard of "chook" before til my friend Les mentioned it, but he was talking about cooked chickens for a meal : ) You will smile at this, - when my friend came out here from NZ in 86, she lost her passport, so we had to contact the local police, who came to our house to get details from my friend. I had to "interpret" for the police, even tho she spoke English, LOL, as they couldn't understand her accent. luckily, someone found her passport and it was returned to her shortly after.
Guest - Jul 31, 2005 01:10 AM EDT
Here chook, chook, chook, chook! The most common use of this slang name for chicken at our previous house. It probably originates from the sound they make - particularly mothers calling babies.
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 02:06 PM EDT
Thats funny! Yes, we do refer to chickens as chooks here. I think its kind of a slang term for them. It seems funny that someone doesn't know what a chook is though. I did notice that even though I spoke english, on my trip to Canada, most people didn't have any clue as to what we were saying most of the time :-)
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 11:13 AM EDT
good shot. Is "Chook" a nickname for chickens in NZ? Noticed a cyberpal in NZ mentioning chook sometime ago for chickens also - Haven't heard that used here in Canada, but then I don't know that much about them

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