February Afternoon Peace

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Member: alandrapal
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tranquil scene on a sunny February afternoon near home, in the farmland area near Ladner, BC Canada, with the mountain range in the background.


grime sea

ArturoAluro - Sep 27, 2022 11:43 AM EDT
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Rosaline Sweere /

Dirga - Sep 20, 2015 07:17 AM EDT
Rosaline Sweere / My biggest crecnon, and there are many, is that the cops are now in charge of deciding guilt or innocence in these cases. The perpetrator never has to make his case in court and provide a defense. So that a judge can never decide what type of case would in fact meet the legal requirement for Stand Your Ground'. He can be arrested afterward, but the crime scene evidence is gone at that point. There's a similar situation here in cheeseland where an unarmed African American 20 year old was shot and killed in a man's screened in porch. It's called the Castle Doctrine'. But the cops decided that a screened in porch was covered by the law.
Guest - Jul 17, 2006 06:35 AM EDT
many thanks Nancy, your comments appreciated as always.
Guest - Apr 10, 2006 11:09 PM EDT
HI Alandra,Beautiful picture,canadian Rockies look beautiful,38 years since I have seen them in person and they get better each time I see your pictures of them.thanks for the memories!Great picture!Love Nancy
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 10:12 PM EDT
appreciate your comments, Talsi, thankyou. glad you like the scene etc.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 08:04 PM EDT
Alovely scene, great capture. Nice warm lighting.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 01:58 PM EDT
am really surprised that your daffs aren't blooming yet, Mary. Some of ours are, outfront here. Always had the impression that Uk's and "ours" here in Southwestern BC bulbs etc bloom around the same time.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 07:34 AM EDT
Manage to get daffs in vases round the house- but only if I get them in the market. Nothing really up yet. But I keep evergreens and all round heathers to get me through winter. (Glad you asked-given me idea of a heather picture- thanks!)
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 04:39 PM EDT
thanks again Mel. We should go there more often. A year or so ago my DH worked in that area for a short time.
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 01:42 PM EDT
A lovely serene photo, I bet you love to relax here from time to time.
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 12:58 PM EDT
thankyou again Mary for the generous comments and am happy you enjoy them. Hoping your weather brightens up soon. I would have thought your weather there would be similar to ours. Are your daffies etc blooming yet?
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 05:11 AM EDT
I really like these pictures with the water and reflections in. The colouring and angle is so striking. Great title. I'll cling to it on the still miserable grey days here!
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 06:03 PM EDT
it was really pretty there that day, Carol, the way the sun was hitting the tree at the side of the water etc. This one looks really nice in the large format.
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 05:32 PM EDT
Lovely scene with the Ducks. Carol
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 12:14 PM EDT
thanks May for taking time to comment. We don't get snow here very often, May. But it's colder now here than it's been for some years, our lilypond froze over the past 2 nights, first time in years.
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 12:05 PM EDT
Hey Alandra -where's the snow? Except for the mountains, it could be here in nw FL! Pretty place - nice shot.
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 11:59 AM EDT
thanks Alex, maybe you're right about the ducks : ) These guys seem to be in our area year round.
Guest - Feb 18, 2006 09:31 AM EDT
WOW!! great shot,so thats where all the ducks go when they leave Maine,huh?lol

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