Herding her Charge

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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About This Image

Uma is an Austrailian Cattle dog. My son never worries about his boys outside when Uma's around as she constantly keeps them rounded up and in the yard, much to their chagrin. Annika had to stay in the hospital for a week after she was born so every night Sarah brought home something her daughter wore that day to get Uma used to her scent. Even though she wasn't ready to run yet, Uma took charge of her little human from the get-go, always vigilant. In June Annika's brother will join them - Uma will be in her element.


Guest - Mar 21, 2005 11:39 PM EDT
they're great friends for sure!
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 11:39 PM EDT
they're great friends for sure!
Guest - Feb 21, 2005 03:29 AM EDT
noticed this when viewing the larger size pic, Vicki, re the longer legs, but coincidentally, the leg in the foreground is bent under, looking about the length of a corgi's legs LOL. A few years ago we saw one similar on one of our walks, bought from a breeder in the Fraser Valley area, near here, and we were very "taken" with that dog then.
Guest - Feb 21, 2005 02:58 AM EDT
she is adorable and sounds like a lot of fun T
Guest - Feb 21, 2005 01:52 AM EDT
Thank you - alandra, we tend to agree with you about the Corgi look, but she's a "Red Heeler" - a bit hyper in her zealousness to bark but has never bit anyone. She will take your hand or shoe and hold them with her teeth - but not to where it hurts or breaks skin. I have no idea how she does that. She's a real character. Her legs are longer than a corgi and her body is leaner, but her face and coloring definitely resemble Corgi
Guest - Feb 20, 2005 10:16 PM EDT
What a great picture, just beautiful. Carol
Guest - Feb 20, 2005 09:17 PM EDT
omg, thought this was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi at first glance!, my "heart dog". Can see the longer spotted legs now tho', but am sure there's Corgi there someplace, have had several over the years. They are cattle herding dogs, as you prolly know, - Vicki. this must be a great dog.
Guest - Feb 20, 2005 08:16 PM EDT
This is a great shot. My Patches is 1/2 Auastralian Shepard and 1/2 Catahoula. He too is protective.

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