hawk eyes

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Member: fella
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found this beautiful hawk on a branch posing for me..very calm..unsure of what kind of hawk ..had white n brown feathers never saw one like this before..or this close.15 ft away


Guest - Jan 04, 2006 07:59 AM EDT
The biggest giveaway is the feathers on its legs. They go all the way to the feet.
Guest - Jan 04, 2006 06:43 AM EDT
Your Hawk pictures are great!!! Carol
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 08:14 PM EDT
hi austin ..mary..yes he does seem to fit both description ..the view of him is him sitting on a branch and very content to be there ..cause he didnt move ...just looked around so i stayed with him for ten minutes ..and decided to leave him alone ..does have the head and beak markin of the rough legged hawk mmm tuff one..fella
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 07:55 PM EDT
A beautiful capture, just want to reach out and touch the feathers. He fits the description of both the Rough-Legged and Ferruginous in my bird book but I'm not a birder.:)
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 07:34 PM EDT
I'm in Eastern Washington. The town of Davenport in Lincoln county. I called it one of those two hawks because of the feathers on its legs. They look like they go all the way to its feet. Check out the photo here. http://www.birdsofprey.blm.gov/roughleg.htm
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 07:19 PM EDT
hi austin ..yes i have a few of this beauty ..i have no iea what kind but hes a pretty one to look at thru the lens ..pretty cloudy day so i didnt really capture the vivid colors of his feathers..where in wa state ya located .neighbors with alandra and i ..fella
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 01:07 PM EDT
:) I put that I'm in Georgia! Old habits die hard.
Guest - Jan 03, 2006 08:15 AM EDT
Wow! Another great shot! My guess on this one would be either a rough-legged or Ferruginous hawk. Do you have any more photos of him?
Guest - Jan 02, 2006 09:09 PM EDT
hi alanadra ..dont know other pics i have show that it has a white underside of the tail ..very very pretty fellow tho..love the markings of the dark stripes on his white head..fella
Guest - Jan 02, 2006 08:46 PM EDT
wonderful, my answer to how close he was is here, should have looked at this one first : ) Is it a red tailed hawk? looks similar to the RT hawks that we see around here.

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