Globe Theatre

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Shakespeare's famous Globe Theatre was recently reconstructed as an accurate replica of the original, and on the same site in London. It now has many Shakespeare productions, amongst other theatre. This shot was taken with a 10.5mm fisheye lens, which has distorted straight lines into curves. This seemed somehow appropriate for a "globe" theatre!


Guest - Dec 13, 2006 03:19 PM EDT
mmmmmmmmm that sounds like a good challenge for me steve sorry for useless info not find any on this one lol
Guest - Dec 12, 2006 02:30 PM EDT
Thanks Mike. But think of the challenge to make Middlesbrough photogenic! Any old fool (including me) can take a good shot in London!
Guest - Dec 12, 2006 04:41 AM EDT
very nice photo of the bards play house .now to be or not to be a good photo lol envy you as the boro aint got much beauty unless you into chemicals ;) cheers for sharing
Guest - Dec 11, 2006 08:32 PM EDT
Thanks Steve for that info,I'm still learning about different lens so all this helps me,I like the effect and your London series are very picturesque, regards Vince
Guest - Dec 11, 2006 04:24 AM EDT
No problem about the questions! To take them in order: the white in the sky to the left of the theatre is simply the result of over-blown highlights. The sun was just behind the building at the left of the frame, and only just out of shot. Even my D200 can't cope with that! The Globe is very much a working replica, although because the internal space is open to the weather, only summer performances are held. It holds 1,500 people (although it's interesting to note that the same sized building held 3,000 in Shakespeare's day before anyone cared about health and safety!) Hope that helps Steve
Guest - Dec 10, 2006 11:29 PM EDT
Hi Steve From the thumb nail image this looked like a reflection in a convex mirror,but realised from your desciption that the fisheye lens helped this effect,I was curious of the white in the sky as it didn't look like clouds and is it a working replica,like how many does it hold or is it only for show,(sorry about the 101 questions) regards Vince

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