Five Trees - Once Again

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Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

For those of you whom have been with TLF for some time, you will recognize this subject (Five Trees). It is located in Alameda, California on San Francisco Bay. Since I live a few blocks from this location, I am drawn there frequently. I have submitted similar photos a handful of times in the past. This is the first using 20D and wide angle lens. I apologize for repetition, but I feel that is an extraordinarily beautiful location and I can't help but photograph it when the conditions are correct.

Since most of my shots are in the late afternoon, every shot appears quite different as the sky and lighting change. Even with a few minutes, a subsequent picture appears quite new. Every time I see a print, I realize how lucky I am to live here.

Lat. 37.767347 Lon. -122.288500


frankhartx - Mar 21, 2009 10:02 AM EDT
This is a beautiful location for sure--have you ever considered adding an element of living creature--a bird, an animal, persons something to make it less static
Guest - Oct 10, 2006 10:15 PM EDT
Lovely coloring - and it isn't repetition when it's such a fresh look!
Guest - Oct 09, 2006 12:32 PM EDT
Guest - Oct 09, 2006 09:53 AM EDT
I agree with the others. There is a new personality about it. I counted the trees. *g* I walked into the picture, sat down and looked at the water flowing along, the clouds seeming to hang over the trees as if they to wanted to stay there. A beautiful place that keeps calling to one. I'm waiting for its next apppearance. Truly!! As seasons pass? Wonderful picture.
Guest - Oct 09, 2006 05:31 AM EDT
Yes I did recognise the scene immediately Alex, but I am quite stunned by your artistry. The lighting, colours and balance of the elements is just great.
Guest - Oct 08, 2006 09:30 PM EDT
I'm glad you posted this scene again Alex, it is a stunning view. Beautiful capture, just right! Don
Guest - Oct 08, 2006 08:19 PM EDT
WOW!! very nicely done.
Guest - Oct 08, 2006 06:30 PM EDT
no need to apologize, Alex D. It is a lovely vista and worth seeing again, especially with your new equipment.
Guest - Oct 08, 2006 12:51 PM EDT
The photo is beautiful and I agree it has got to be a lovely place to live. Carol

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