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Member: Zoya
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About This Image

I personally think this is the best photo I ahve ever taken.
hope you all like it as well


Guest - Jun 07, 2006 11:55 PM EDT
I have to agree wiht Missy. he does look a bit mischievious. you have some wonderful portraits and photos up here LA
Guest - Jan 08, 2006 06:19 AM EDT
Guest - Dec 02, 2005 12:41 PM EDT
This is an excellently done portrait. Did you use a flash or just the sunlight. The facial expression you captured is just perfect for him
Guest - Nov 17, 2005 10:38 AM EDT
very well composed portrait. The lighting is great and so is the subject matter. YOu must have spent a lot of time with this animal to get this kind of portrait Kudos well done
Guest - Sep 25, 2005 06:12 AM EDT
Wondeful well composed photo. The dog is every bit as gorgeous as the photo you have taken of him Well done
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 06:53 AM EDT
he so sweet
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 09:53 AM EDT
Wonderful photo. What a precious puppy
Guest - Jul 13, 2005 10:42 PM EDT
Will do Henderson is my baby boy thanks for te comment Z
Guest - Jul 13, 2005 09:08 PM EDT
oh my gosh this looks like my ringo keep checking my gallerie i will put his pic up and you let me know what you think !!! ok ???
Guest - Jun 19, 2005 05:34 AM EDT
Great pose, Is he a show dog? If not he should be. he poses beautifully.
Guest - Jun 01, 2005 02:35 PM EDT
What a fabulous portrait. WOW I love this one
Guest - May 24, 2005 09:39 AM EDT
Model and movie star material. This pup is gorgeous
Guest - May 18, 2005 08:17 PM EDT
Wow thank you all for the comments. Cross Roads Quite a compliment there. I may just have to look into this one Z
Guest - May 18, 2005 05:00 PM EDT
While looking through your gallery it occured to me you have a way with animals to make them pose for you. perhaps that is your niche and maybe claim to fame. I love all your animal photos
Guest - Apr 18, 2005 07:30 PM EDT
this is a great portrait of your dog. Well done
Guest - Apr 18, 2005 04:33 PM EDT
had to go back and look at Henderson again. and Yep Bella looks a lot like him. except she ahs a brown nose and eyes. so cute your pets are
Guest - Apr 17, 2005 12:32 PM EDT
he is precious. What agreat poser he is for you. Send some more of him
Guest - Apr 06, 2005 04:25 PM EDT
Adorable little dog. he has all his own personality
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 10:23 PM EDT
gorgeous cute puppy. cheers
Guest - Feb 23, 2005 09:53 PM EDT
Tam he is so darned cute. I want one now
Guest - Feb 23, 2005 06:00 PM EDT
just plain adorable
Guest - Feb 23, 2005 03:11 PM EDT
this looks so professional well cpatured wonder what he is thinking about
Guest - Feb 22, 2005 10:20 PM EDT
Marie that was the effect I was trying for glad you recognized it T
Guest - Feb 21, 2005 04:32 AM EDT
can I have him. he is sucha poser he loks so serious in this one
Guest - Feb 18, 2005 11:02 PM EDT
oh yes he is framed on my wallll here at hom and at work Jsut love him
Guest - Feb 18, 2005 05:35 PM EDT
just sooooo adorable I would frame this one love it love Louise
Guest - Feb 16, 2005 03:34 AM EDT
The more I see this photo the more i love it. Good stuff
Guest - Feb 13, 2005 07:24 PM EDT
Sanddrag I love your sense of humour, although I am not sure he has more hair than you LOL
Guest - Feb 13, 2005 07:23 PM EDT
Thank you everyone for the comments on my baby boy. Glad you like him. This photo and my other are both already framed and hanging proudly in my home.
Guest - Feb 13, 2005 01:01 PM EDT
what a poser he is. The expression is well captured. I love your work in both PSP and photography keep them up I will keep checking back to see what else you ccome up with
Guest - Feb 12, 2005 04:45 PM EDT
What a cute little guy, I love those eyes, great shot.
Guest - Feb 12, 2005 10:46 AM EDT
hes giving those eyes, either suductive,or saying you woke me from a nap for this, he is a cute guy, even has more hair than me,
Guest - Feb 12, 2005 03:56 AM EDT
great photo definetly frame it
Guest - Feb 11, 2005 03:00 AM EDT
Tammi, this is a gorgeous portrait of Henderson. The expression you caught is priceless.I would have this one framed.
Guest - Feb 10, 2005 06:03 PM EDT
oh there he is and oh so cute. I can tell how much you love him
Guest - Feb 10, 2005 03:57 AM EDT
Hi Tammi isnt he the cutest little dog :) I agree this is a fantastic picture. I just love him So adorable Love Cathy
Guest - Feb 10, 2005 12:04 AM EDT
oh how cute he is. adorable can I have him?
Guest - Feb 09, 2005 11:50 PM EDT
what a shot. I love him so cute.
Guest - Feb 09, 2005 01:24 PM EDT
He's adorable Tammi!
Guest - Feb 09, 2005 12:39 PM EDT
What a cutie, hes adorable. Carol

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