Duke & Shay

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Member: lorraine
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two best mates, a friends dogs enjoying time in the local park, sadly Duke has passed away now from old age, Shay hasent got quite the bounce in him these days but he's still going strong


Guest - Oct 18, 2006 11:26 AM EDT
Dogs are so much a gift. I feel the loving sadness of losing a friend like Duke. I cant tell you how much joy my dog brings to me and all the dogs that have come and gone before him. They have all been so special in my life. I truly believe they are the one true friend a human has. They love you for you and never judge you by anything except the way you treat them. They are not bothered by any of your other short comings! I cant imagine being without them for they give me peace within myself and a good place to fall when things dont go right! Thank you so much for sharing this photo it is a true masterpiece. Thank you!
Guest - Oct 18, 2006 01:17 AM EDT
they were a great pair. I hope Shay continues on for sometime to come. Our one lab Maggie is getting older now too, she's 10 as of this month, and Lucy is 6

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