Hummingbird in flight 2, on our patio

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another shot of the hummingbird in flight, feeding at Monbretia/Crocosmia "Lucifer" on our front patio on Canada Day, July 1 2005
we think the hummers have all left now, as haven't seen them here for several days. On their long journey home to California and Mexico. We might see some transient hummers as they pass thru here enroute home, so will keep filling our feeders every few days. Apparently the hummers fly "alone" and at 30 feet height. People watching for raptors have made note of hummers' migration habits


Guest - Jul 31, 2005 12:26 PM EDT
thanks Karen, appreciate your comments, glad you like the pics of the hummers. That was quite the experience you had! never to be forgotten, right. I've had them come and "dance" in the gentle spray from the garden hose, when watering out front, but they didn't do that this summer. One did approach just recently, as I was spraying out there, and I did rush to change the setting to "gentle/mist", but the hummer didn't return for a shower. That was one of the last times I saw them, as they've gone now. Sure miss them, as we had so much pleasure from them this year
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 11:39 PM EDT
I have enjoyed all your hummingbird shots. You've gotten some beautiful photos. When my hair was long I had one hover in my face and lift strands of my hair. That was weird!
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 05:01 PM EDT
thanks Alex and Lulu. Yes, you're right, their wings do move fast, infact they rotate, and the birds can move backwards, forwards, all directions, and hover too, all at amazing speeds. very interesting/fascinating birds. Feathered Jewels they are often called. Their iridescence is beautiful. Have had close up views of them, when they have flown close to me as I was tending their feeders or working near flowers they love, -and their throats gleam in a gorgeous golden/red colour. Nothing like it. Have felt the "breeze" generated by their wings, on my hand as I remained perfectly still tending the nectar feeder. Have also held a live hummer in my hands and released it, but that's another story : )
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 05:10 AM EDT
This is great! I hear those little wings move real fast. You've captured that really well. We don't get these in New Zealand so I've never seen one before. The flowers are real pretty too. I wish my camera could take an action shot like this.
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 04:48 AM EDT
WOW!! another great hummer shot.

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