Christine 2, butterscotch tone

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Score: 19.59
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Member: pqu
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About This Image

40 by 30 inch canvas exploration, through many genre and tone changes yet still not settled on one particular approach; presently abstracted by something like Celtic tattoos or wood carving designs but I've forgotten why, so it's being held back until I figure out where my head was. The position is kneeling slumped over resting on hands; I thought this pose to be of modest exposition; showing little enough to publish. Some structural changes also required (1st full figure study) but finding the right colour is more important for now.
This photo is one of a hundred snaps from time automated video FX; colour corrector, light rays and soft fade glow; I use glow to replace the effect of natural sunlight which always brings life to the tones on the real canvas.
Somehow drawn to the tones of butterscotch, whipped cream and custard desserts, I chose this FX photo as a tone guide but then became drawn to the tones of uncooked meat cuts, and it goes on, keeps changing, sorry I didn't take more snaps along the way.


Guest - Jun 08, 2007 05:52 PM EDT
Just a quick note, this image meets TLF's guidelines as it doesn't show anything that would make it rated R or more and is done in good taste. Pqu, this is a really nice painting.

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