Chaos in London

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A few inches of snow, and a great city grinds to a halt! I have no idea why we in Britain are so incapable of dealing with a tiny bit of snow. It must make those of you who live in places that are snowbound half the winter roar with laughter!


Guest - Mar 13, 2007 09:05 AM EDT
Thanks OB. I think you've summed up the good and bad points of city snow perfectly!
Guest - Mar 12, 2007 11:57 PM EDT
Hi Steve I was crying for not having snow in January but then it hit us in feb and march. Snow in the city is beautiful when fresh but hateful when it becomes black. Snow is very romantic but can be very deadly also.
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 11:59 AM EDT
Thanks Lulu. You seem to have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the snow! :)
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 02:32 AM EDT
Like Lorraine, we have to travel to get to snow but 2 years ago had the chance to have a christmas in Canada and there was lots of snow. We were sick of it after a week but everyone back home was emailing to say how lucky we were. Was speaking to family in Toronto the other week and the kids were supposed to have snowboard lessons but there was no snow. With a good dumping in New York state, looks like they may have got some there also and the kids will get their snowboading lessons. At least the snow is a good reason to stay inside and play on the computer.
Guest - Feb 10, 2007 04:27 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra, and interesting to hear about the way different places cope with snow. If we got 2 feet of snow in London I think we would all die!
Guest - Feb 09, 2007 09:07 PM EDT
A nice image, Steve. The sky looks full of snow still too. Things are much the same in Vancouver, with chaos esp during rush hours when snow falls. Many people don't have snow tires on their vehicles, which adds to the pandemonium :) The people in Northern BC watch the news from Vancouver in amazement when we have snow in these parts, as they deal with amazing amounts of snow with no problem, lol. I believe New York State has got a real dumping of snow recently, 100 inches or so, and 2 feet more to come, I think. How lucky can you get LOL
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 07:48 PM EDT
Nice depiction of winter in the city.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 05:27 PM EDT
Thank you Vicki! It's amazing how many of the States-side members of TLF have previous lives in England! This is Hayes which is technically in Middlesex, not London, but I don't think that accounts for the clean snow! The reason for that is simple: this was taken at about 6:45 this morning and this is a quiet residential street and only one or two cars had yet been along it. It was very grubby looking half an hour later!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 05:22 PM EDT
What part of London are you in, Steve? We never had pretty snow in St John's Wood when I was growing up over there 4 decades ago. It was always dingy-looking. (Or was that because I spent two weeks in Austria or Switzerland over the winter hols!!!) This is a great shot and it looks so CLEAN!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 05:16 PM EDT
Now, you're sure these were memories you wanted back, aren't you John? :) Thanks for your comment, and it's amazing to think of all the different reactions a single photograph can provoke in different people!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 05:07 PM EDT
Brings back memories, balaclava's toboggans, wet woolen gloves and a cold damp Staffordshire grey winter. Thanks Steve.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 04:34 PM EDT
Thanks Mike! Strange how the south had more snow today than the north!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 03:46 PM EDT
i like the snow cos it helps my job ... nice shot steve we had about 2mm of snow today but all gone now
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 02:18 PM EDT
Thanks Don and Lorraine for leaving interesting and thought provoking comments!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 01:47 PM EDT
Looks really lovely, a great shot of the street, I also think the snow is great, but we have to travel to get to it, maybe I wouldent be so happy if I had to live in it? but a great shot.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 10:36 AM EDT
Cool shot of the snow Steve. It's the same way here after the first couple of snows, like people forget to slow down on slippery roads I guess. Lots of wrecks at first, then later in the winter everyone gets the hang of it. Don
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 09:56 AM EDT
Many thanks, Carol, Alex and Alan, for your great comments! I do enjoy the snow as it happens, although I seem to be the only person around me who does!
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 09:34 AM EDT
Hey enjoy the snow Steve.. Were about the same here in Arizona. But it does not take long and they have the roads clear and everyone is out playing in it.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 08:44 AM EDT
What a nice shot,its got to be tough for people to get around in the snow if they have never had any experience doing it.I think people who laugh are only remembering themselves in the same predicament.Enjoy the snow.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 07:53 AM EDT
Great composition of your lovely City street.I think a fresh coating of snow makes everything look so pretty and clean looking but im always thankful when Spring arrives.Great photo! Carol

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