Breaking Waves

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This is locally known as a 'groin'. We have them all along our beaches and they help to break the waves as they are coming in to shore, making them less ferocious.
They are made from metal and wood and can be quite damaging if you get 'carried' into them in strong ocean currents or winds.


alandrapal - May 26, 2008 08:51 PM EDT
not sure if you'd care for his work, Jas, it's pretty "dated", - I read many of his books years ago, when the girls were young. But have been picking up some of the books of his that I had never read, at the local thrift shop lately, and just read one recently and enjoyed it, altho it was a bit old fashioned. Still the storyline was good.(the title has slipped my mind for a moment)
Jas - May 03, 2008 01:04 PM EDT
This was taken at our local beach in Shanklin. It gets really crowded here in the summer months, so am afraid we tend not to go there, but out of tourist season, it's lovely to walk along and watch the water come in over the sand. Am not familiar with Nevil Shute - will have to see if I can find any of his books. :)
alandrapal - May 01, 2008 06:20 AM EDT
like the froth or foam as the waves break onto the beach. Reminds me of one of Nevil Shute's books, "The Breaking Wave". Read it years ago.
Jas - Jan 15, 2008 02:09 PM EDT
Kathleen, thanks for your nice comments.
Kathleen Luiz - Jan 14, 2008 11:18 PM EDT
The way you composed the scene, with the man-made structures directing the eye into the picture , provides added interst to a lovely setting.

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