Going Up

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Score: 27.54
Views: 1653
Member: Karen Moen
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About This Image

Traffic jam in the skies.


Guest - Aug 29, 2005 12:28 AM EDT
Thank you ,Shirree and Robert, for your nice comments. My favorite gull is the one that looks like he's trying to step on a brake when he sees the food going by.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 11:14 PM EDT
I missed this one. The sky really adds to the feeling of going up!
Guest - Aug 26, 2005 12:45 AM EDT
I'm gob-smacked! You take such clever photos.
Guest - Aug 25, 2005 02:19 AM EDT
Thank you, Tania. It was so nice of you to take time to view my picture and leave a comment.
Guest - Aug 24, 2005 02:45 AM EDT
Karen this is awesome I love it
Guest - Mar 09, 2005 10:06 PM EDT
Thank you, Corbin. I have been enjoying your photos. Welcome to the site.
Guest - Mar 08, 2005 01:41 AM EDT
This is an excellent shot. I love it.
Guest - Mar 02, 2005 08:23 PM EDT
Thank you for the encouraging comments.
Guest - Feb 20, 2005 05:58 AM EDT
Karen, this is really terrific - for a moment I was looking for hidden "strings" - they look like a wind-blown mobile! How clever of you to grab this shot at a perfect moment.
Guest - Feb 05, 2005 05:38 PM EDT
This is a great photo. Love it!
Guest - Dec 02, 2004 10:22 PM EDT
Try feeding them cereal like Cheerios. It's hilarious when they all scramble for a handful that's been tossed.
Guest - Nov 29, 2004 04:59 PM EDT
I love this. I fed gulls one time cookies and they about ate my fingers off! But I still feed them, I just toss the food now!! :-) Joyce
Guest - Nov 28, 2004 10:08 PM EDT
The secret to this photo is that dark blob on the left side that the birds are looking at. Someone on a balcony above me was feeding them. I just grabbed my camera and started shooting.
Guest - Nov 01, 2004 10:55 PM EDT
Karen, Nice Shot. I tried to photograph seagulls in flight this weekend, and it was much harder than I thought to get a good shot. (But that is true of most photographic pursuits). You must spend a lot of time laying on your back...seems like your camera is almost always pointing skyward.

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