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Member: Zoya
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Close up of a bat hanging off a stick. Really quite ugly. but very good for the mosquito population :)

everything has it's good points huh.


Karen Moen - Feb 03, 2008 08:33 PM EDT
You are right about finding one in the daytime. We have the Mexican freetail bats. Their faces look like little foxes but they do have a reputation for carrying rabies. I was swimming one night and one fell into the pool with me. Since the dogs were in the yard I drowned it with a net, as a normal healthy bat doesn't fall into water. It was too dangerous to chance exposing the dogs. In the winter the bats migrate to Mexico and spend summers in many of the limestone caves around us.
Guest - Dec 15, 2007 01:14 PM EDT
Yes Zoya all creatures have good points. I once had a bat that returned to my old house only to enjoy the master bedroom. So I got the X to get a broom and flush it out the window and I closed him in the room til the deed was done. LOL
Guest - Sep 18, 2007 08:08 PM EDT
Not really sure what his deal was. Not likely to find one in broad daylight like that. I just had to get the photo and prayed he would not awake to catch me Guess man thought he was too much competition for him ROFL
Guest - Sep 18, 2007 05:59 PM EDT
What a pretty photo of a ugly guy lol.. Great close shot!! So I take it he got thrown out of the bat cave :)
Guest - Sep 18, 2007 04:54 PM EDT
WOW!! what a cutie,he's all ready for halloween.lolThats a great shot even if it he does have UGLY all over him.
Guest - Sep 18, 2007 04:15 PM EDT
Agreed, that they aren't the prettiest of critters, but so welcomed, for the job they do. We have small ones, here in FL, and I love watching them catch the skeeters in the evening. Great close up.
Guest - Sep 17, 2007 06:13 PM EDT
The responses to this image is great. Now we have a lot of dragon flies around here but I think the bats do a better job. I always find them swarming around here come dusk to get the mosquitos
Guest - Sep 17, 2007 05:35 PM EDT
great image of the bat, Tam. Think it's the best one I've seen. We did have them around here at one time, - some people had "bat houses" on the side of their house, but haven't seen any bats lately, - think the people removed the bat houses, maybe someone complained. who knows.
Guest - Sep 17, 2007 03:54 PM EDT
OMG Tammi hes is Very Ugly but what a great closeup of it. They[Fish and Game Dept.] release Dragonflies here in Maine to help keep the mosquitoes away. Carol
Guest - Sep 17, 2007 03:48 PM EDT
Wow!!! What a great picture! They have an ancient look, don't they? Or is it my imagination?
Guest - Sep 16, 2007 08:29 PM EDT
You sure can. Better yet if you promise i can stay at your house I will bring you lots of them. we are heading to winter. i terribly hate that idea Z
Guest - Sep 16, 2007 07:46 PM EDT
You are right ugly looking fellow, Could I borrow him for the mosquito season, you can have him right back. ha ha

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