Baby Goldfinch & spring flowers

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a baby goldfinch I think, as I see a touch of yellow on top of its head. It took its first bath here. It seemed to have something stuck in its throat initially, but drank water there and seemed okay after. But it looks a bit fluffed up, which is a sign that birds don't feel good, so am hoping it survived.
the flowers are a type of narcissus, we called them jonquils in England.


alandrapal - Apr 24, 2008 12:29 AM EDT
thanks again, Karen for the nice comments. Was thinking the same re the baby being very young, as noticed the pin feathers also, which I don't normally see. Hope it survived.
Karen Moen - Apr 22, 2008 06:25 PM EDT
Lovely lighting and composition with the flowers leaning into the shot. I wonder if it left the nest a little too early. It looks like it still has some pin feathers. It certainly has a lovely garden in which to live!
alandrapal - Apr 19, 2008 02:23 AM EDT
thanks Janice, the baby birds are so cute.
sparkle1103 - Apr 19, 2008 12:36 AM EDT
Great shot of the baby goldfinch and I love the center of the daffodil. Such a brilliant color.

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