A Boat Full of Bowls

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Score: 17.42
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Member: A.Lovely
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While at the pier in Bucksport Maine today, I noticed a very special boat. Many interesting things are on this boat,but bowls are hand made and there are many shapes and sizes. Bowls for sale!


A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2010 04:55 PM EDT
Hi Alfresco. Yes, they are prepared to bail out the boat or perhaps get into that small boat on the top of the larger boat. The fellow also had a bike that isn't in the capture. He was cleaning the bike on the wharf before I took this photo. Thank you for viewing and leaving a comment.
Alfresco - Jul 23, 2010 12:46 AM EDT
If they spring a leak, they're prepared for bailing! Interesting shot.

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