1954 Pontiac

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Member: whittler113
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About This Image

A 1954 Pontiac that I spotted at a festival.


whittler113 - Dec 26, 2008 09:25 AM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Bubba and Lisa,I just can't resist taking a shot of those oldies.
lisaleedee - Nov 04, 2008 04:22 AM EDT
nice car
bubbalinn - Nov 02, 2008 07:04 PM EDT
Great photo of the beautiful old Pontiac.. It would look cool parked in my yard next to my blue and white 66 Chevy LOL..
whittler113 - Nov 02, 2008 04:12 PM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Talsi,Ann,and Alandra,Those were the good old days,huh?That old Pontiac had a straight 8 cylinder engine and it would fly,it also came with a 6 cylinder engine too and those cars had a frame under them too.
alandrapal - Nov 02, 2008 03:29 PM EDT
echoing the other comments, very nice.
A.Lovely - Nov 02, 2008 01:39 PM EDT
Nice car! It reminds me a bit of the 1954 model of the Chevy, except the Chevy had a straight angled fender in the back. My firt car to drive. It's always so much fun seeing the old cars. Brings back memories. LOVE the chrome on the cars!! And those cars had power, too. LOL
talsi - Nov 02, 2008 09:09 AM EDT
Nice shot of the old car

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