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It's taking awhile to learn how to use this spot lens filter properly. I combined it with a watercolor edge filter


illusion carrier

ArturoAluro - Sep 26, 2022 09:05 AM EDT
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Guest - Mar 30, 2005 11:59 PM EDT
I will do that. in fact if Ican I am gonna copy some of the text form here and post it on DPC Tammi p.S Try a macro using a magnifying glass I have one called new roses that i did this too and you can see all koiinds of little hairs that one never knew existed on them http://www.thelensflare.com/gallery/p_flowers_2125.php
Guest - Mar 30, 2005 11:51 PM EDT
Trust you to come up with a clever solution, Tammi. I hope others read that little tidbit - you might suggest it in group as lens filters are often an issue. You have many terrific images on your site, Tam. thank you for the kind words. This was fun to create!
Guest - Mar 30, 2005 06:03 PM EDT
I love this photo Could look at it all day. And as far as point and shoot goes. I use one and I use filters I just hold them up to the lens carefully so no light gets in If you lok through my gallery I have some examples such as three blind mice. and Crsytalline etc Tammi
Guest - Mar 30, 2005 08:38 AM EDT
hi Vicki, yes, had realized it was the same filter as the one that gave me migraine effect : ) - so it's great to know what neat and pleasing effects it makes. Am quite interested to try one myself now, but not sure if they are available for this camera ?
Guest - Mar 30, 2005 02:32 AM EDT
Thank you, ladies - and you're right Mary. It's been so gloomy out I've hardly done anything since coming north so I started experimenting more with differesnt aspects of my editing program and photos I've put off working with. And Alandra - you won't believe it, but the spot lens filter is the same base as the ones that made you dizzy - so I used different photos I tok then and used a watercolor edge filter and got an effect I rather enjoyed. I'm glad you like it too.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 08:25 PM EDT
another beautiful effect, Vicki. very pleasing. just want to keep looking at it.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 05:44 AM EDT
This is pretty and different. I like the effect. You must be playing! :) mary

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