Weathered And Worn

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Score: 14.48
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Member: lorraine
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Wind and rain over time have eroaded away soil and rocks to make this an interesting area in the landscape,


lorraine - Aug 30, 2008 07:30 PM EDT
Thankyou Ann for looking in, there are patches like this through out the area we travelled in, for some reason they seem to rip out with the wind and rain, they look so interesting all the different shapes and textures, the animals in this are sheep.
A.Lovely - Aug 29, 2008 07:04 PM EDT
Lorraine, what an interesting capture. Wonderfully photographed. I wondered if that is sheep or goats on the left hand side of this photograph?
lorraine - Aug 27, 2008 03:52 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler for looking in, some of the country down south is really rough, it's the hills I can't get over they are huge.
whittler113 - Aug 27, 2008 08:19 AM EDT
Great shot,it sure looks like rough country to hike through.

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