Vivid Fungus

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Score: 13.22
Views: 173
Member: TravlynWomyn
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About This Image

WHile helping an RVer back into his space a few weeks ago this huge fungus caught my eye. I've never seen one growing on a tree with such vivid coloring - it was a good 9" in diameter.


Guest - Sep 21, 2006 08:33 PM EDT
Thank you Carol and Alandra - I had never seen one quite like this either - it sure is vivid
Guest - Sep 21, 2006 03:17 AM EDT
have never seen one like that either, Vicki. Interesting and I like how you've treated the background, also.
Guest - Sep 20, 2006 08:59 PM EDT
Great capture of the fungus growing on the tree. Carol

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