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Member: talsi
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Early morning at a local lake


Guest - Aug 31, 2006 11:39 PM EDT
Vincent - do you have a gallery? or can someone else tell me.
Guest - Aug 31, 2006 11:14 PM EDT
Thanks for commenting, Vince.
Guest - Aug 31, 2006 08:52 PM EDT
Beautiful scene,love the reflections. regards Vince.
Guest - Aug 29, 2006 08:20 AM EDT
Thanks for your nice comments, Alandra.
Guest - Aug 29, 2006 05:45 AM EDT
not sure how I missed this one before, Beverly, but it's beautiful. Talk about Peace, - that's "it". The water is like a mirror, so calm. Am sure I'd have that one on a wall somewhere, just to soothe the mind and spirit. Also figured that it's a sort of lookout feature rather than a dock, altho hadn't noticed it being enclosed to the water til Alan observantly noticed.
Guest - Jul 31, 2006 09:16 PM EDT
Thanks Mary and Karen for your comments. And Mary you are probably right about it being a viewing deck.
Guest - Jul 31, 2006 03:32 AM EDT
Perfect title for this beautiful scene. Very nice capture.
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 10:29 PM EDT
This is a beautiful tranquil scene. Maybe that is just a viewing deck and not a dock.Just get in the boat from the shore and push off. :)
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 10:24 PM EDT
Thanks Alan, Carol, Shawna, Dudley and Whittler for your nice commetns. And I see what you mean about being hard to get in the canoe from the dock. I really hadn't noticed that before.
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 04:48 PM EDT
WOW!! great shot and a beautiful scene.
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 04:07 PM EDT
Looks so calm and peaceful. You named this one right.
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 01:47 PM EDT
This is a beautiful shot Talsi! I agree with Alan, I want to get into that canoe but it looks tricky from the doc! Great job, it's very peaceful looking there. Shawna
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 01:31 PM EDT
Beautiful tranguil, peaceful scene.Looks like a great place to relax. Carol
Guest - Jul 30, 2006 12:12 PM EDT
Very enjoyable and relaxing photo Talsi.. The colors, focus, and reflections in the water are perfect. It makes me want to get into the canoe and paddle around for a few hours. With my boating skills I would leave my cameras on the beach :-) The only thing in your photo I would improve on is the dock, it looks hard to get into boats from LOL...

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