There's A Biscuit In Here

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Member: lorraine
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I think Rusty thinks that if he shakes the stuffing out of the bag another biscuit might fall out, if nothing else it's good for a game


Guest - Nov 27, 2006 11:51 PM EDT
He did the bag was folded up to go into the rubbish, he had being keeping his eye on it for a little while as soon as I was out of sight he swipped it. as soon as he saw me his tail wagged and he brought it back, as if to say look what I found blowing around the lawn.
Guest - Nov 27, 2006 10:52 PM EDT
This is cute. Did he initiate the game?? I like to give cats and dogs problems like this to solve. I think it makes them smarter. It worked on our Siamese cat!! Lol!

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