The Haint

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Member: May
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Not tellin' what this is. Creeps me out and I took it's picture!

Guess it qualifies for a whatzit.


Guest - Dec 26, 2007 11:06 AM EDT
Is it a skunk that was run over??
Guest - Jun 27, 2007 12:40 AM EDT
I was with May when she nearly tripped over this picture in the gutter. It is a tribute to her vigilant eye, always observant, particularly for the small, or unusual. Her book of stories about nature is titled WALTZ ON THE WILD SIDE,and within those stories one can 'see' in words, what she captures so exquisitely in photos. May's talents are many, and she is a heroine in the field of animal rescue, and nature conservancy.
Guest - Jun 06, 2007 09:20 AM EDT
Not too obvious here, but there is a yellow dot of something - looks like an eye where the V ends near the top. It just...caught my eye. Thanks for your comments.
Guest - Jun 06, 2007 03:54 AM EDT
We can be fooled so easy, I would have never thought of that, you must have a very sharp eye, I bet you had a few scratching there heads over that one, great job I enjoyed that.
Guest - Jun 03, 2007 06:48 PM EDT
Beer in the gutter! I was at a street festival (First Friday) downtown Panama City and my friend and I were crossing the street. The first thought was, "Yuck, what is that?" Then I realized it was foam from the beer in a little bit of water. Gutter spook. "Haint" is what the real southerners here call a haunt.
Guest - Jun 03, 2007 05:35 PM EDT
Beer in the gutter! I was at a street festival (First Friday) downtown Panama City and my friend and I were crossing the street. The first thought was, "Yuck, what is that?" Then I realized it was foam from the beer in a little bit of water. Gutter spook. "Haint" is what the real southerners here call a haunt.
Guest - Jun 03, 2007 04:56 PM EDT
Had to have another look. sort of a ghostly image, will you tell us what it is? curious now.
Guest - Jun 03, 2007 10:21 AM EDT
WOW!! what an interesting shot,it almost looks like a reflection on water.
Guest - Jun 03, 2007 12:03 AM EDT
No, Lorraine - not animal. ;c)
Guest - Jun 02, 2007 11:23 PM EDT
No, Lorraine - not animal. ;c)
Guest - Jun 02, 2007 11:00 PM EDT
I've spent so time looking at it, is it animal?

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