Sunset 1/3/05 on Econfina Creek

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Beautiful sunset tonight. There was a pale green band that disappeared before I got to the water's edge.

Know what's fun when you can't think of anything to give someone for a gift? The sunrise and the sunset of that special day.


Guest - Jul 27, 2005 06:43 PM EDT
this is peaceful and beautiful
Guest - Feb 16, 2005 02:21 AM EDT
Econfina Creek is in nw Florida just north of Panama City, 17 miles inland from the beach.
Guest - Jan 04, 2005 05:21 PM EDT
Beautiful shot! Where is Econfina Creek? Two days ago here in Victoria the sky was mauve but I couldn't make it to the lookout on time to get a photo. Victoria has so many little mountains that they block the view of the sky. Mariposa

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