Ship Wreck

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Member: Dudley
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This is along the Tchefuncte River. It is picturesque and it is a lot cheaper to leave it there then to pay for it to be moved.


Guest - Jul 18, 2005 04:40 AM EDT
I've never heard of a Eucalyptus candle Dud, but we use eucalyptus oil here for many things including sinus problems. Just a couple of drops on a tissue or handkerchief works wonders. It's also a great cleaning agent. I'm not sure about its pain relieving qualities though. Jim
Guest - Jul 17, 2005 02:42 PM EDT
Thanks, I was reading a chronic pain book and it recommended lighting a eucalypts candle for pain and for sinus problems. I have yet to find one.
Guest - Jul 17, 2005 02:44 AM EDT
Areas like this in Aus would be treed entirely with various eucalypts. The understory would be acacias and ti trees among others. Jim
Guest - Jul 17, 2005 02:31 AM EDT
Thanks for the comment! Yes I have noticed that the greenery in Louisiana looks a lot like Australlia and I have also compared it to the Amazon. I do not know all about our lower bushes but our trees in this particular area are weeping willows, cypress, pine of various sorts, and oaks of various sorts. What's in your area?
Guest - Jul 16, 2005 07:48 PM EDT
Nice shot Dud. I'm amazed by the River bank foliage etc. it looks incredibly similar to a number of spots here in S.E. Australia. Although I'm sure the actual species are very different. Jim
Guest - Jul 16, 2005 07:32 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler. Can you say tow away fee? My Dad tried to ressurect a boat engine in order to raise the horse power on his boat. With the work he put into it, it would have been cheaper to buy a new one.
Guest - Jul 16, 2005 11:34 AM EDT
Nice shot Dud, you could probably get a good deal on that boat.

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