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Member: jgoetz4
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I shot this last evening using Da Bigma at 500mm, F10, .6 seconds. Thanks for looking and have a good day


jgoetz4 - Feb 27, 2008 10:15 AM EDT
Good Morning. This was the best shot out of 20. I shot Saturn last year and none of the pictures were quite as good as this. Not bad for a 500mm lens. I just sold this lens to a friend last month and I find myself using it more now then when I had it for about a year. Have a good day, Jim...
Jas - Feb 26, 2008 03:37 PM EDT
This is amazing to be able to see the rings around Saturn! Great capture.
donwrob - Feb 26, 2008 12:22 PM EDT
Neat shot of saturn J. Hard to believe you can get that close with the Bigma, amazing. I haven't got many shot as good as this of Saturn with the telescope! Nice work! Don

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