Purple Flower - Thistle or Knapweed

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Member: Jas
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About This Image

As I was out photographing villages, I walked through a meadow of wild flowers, of which this purple flower was among them. I thought it was from the Thistle family but after looking through my flower books, I'm not so sure. It may be Knapweed?
The flower is purple with a very open, ragged, appearance and has thick, fleshy, stems with a leaf, resembling a dandelion leaf.
I thought it was very pretty and hope you will too.
Thanks for viewing. :)



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Jas - Jun 16, 2008 11:27 AM EDT
Hi Beverly, Chriss and Mary. Thanks for the nice comments here and am glad you liked the Knapweed. I had thought that it looked more like Knapweed than a thistle but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for the web site link Mary and yes, it does look the same as the image shown there. :)
marysham - Jun 09, 2008 10:35 AM EDT
Nice catch Jas. Does it look like the photo here which is Knapweed? http://accipiter.hawk-conservancy.org/images/Lesser%20knapweed.jpg
chriss35 - Jun 08, 2008 05:55 PM EDT
A very nice sharp image Jas, Chriss to the rescue yes it's a Knapweed which is the common name, most will know it as a Cornflower and the Latin name is Centaurea. very enjoyable Chriss :)
talsi - Jun 08, 2008 03:51 PM EDT
Other than being a pretty little wild flower, I don't know what it either.

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