Portrait Of A Little Girl

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Score: 13.21
Views: 127
Member: Jas
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About This Image

A close-up, black and white portrait of a young girl.

I entered this in a local photographic competition and it gained a 3rd place. The judge said it was not a true black and white image? This may have been due to my printer, I don't know. I'd be very interested in your thoughts here. Thanks for looking. :)


Jas - Sep 08, 2008 05:16 PM EDT
Thank you for your nice comments Chriss and Lorraine. It's the first competition I've entered, so everything is a 'learning curve' for me. :)
lorraine - Sep 07, 2008 04:51 PM EDT
I can't see anything wrong with it, it's black and White, the competition should have stated true B/W in the rules, (picky judge) looks great to me, and not to harsh on a child the softer black and white.
chriss35 - Sep 06, 2008 03:19 PM EDT
Wow!! Angel Two this is a beauty and it looks fine to me.

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