PLEASE Let Me Out .

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Views: 222
Member: lorraine
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About This Image

When I arrived this fellow almost bounded into my lap before I'd got out of the car, he was so excited. While we walked with the Alpacas he was on the other side of the fence making sure we didn't forget him,


Guest - Jun 12, 2007 06:25 PM EDT
Thankyou Bernie, he's a very full on welcoming committee this one a lovely dog, he was talking to us when I took this, he wanted to be let out.
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 06:42 AM EDT
Yes, I would have tried to take him home aswell. It looks like he is the local Welcoming Committee :) Is it just me, or is he smiling for the camera?
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 04:34 AM EDT
Hi tania, he's lovely,I must get back out there soon.
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 04:10 AM EDT
Beautiful capture lorraine he is beautiful
Guest - May 25, 2007 09:59 PM EDT
Thankyou tasli, he is a lovely dog, I could bring him home anyday, hes a boarder collie, not sure if theres anything else in there, but I don't think so.
Guest - May 25, 2007 09:39 PM EDT
Love this shot - does a good job of showing the dog's anticipation
Guest - May 24, 2007 11:08 PM EDT
Thankyou Vicki & Sparkle, he was such a con, he knew how to get attention, I could have taken him home no problem, just noticed there's dribble on his chin.
Guest - May 24, 2007 09:57 PM EDT
Great shot. Isnt it cute when they beg.
Guest - May 24, 2007 09:57 PM EDT
What a great image, lorraine. Definitely demanding some major attention - and deservedly so! Sounds like you had a great day. Vicki
Guest - May 24, 2007 09:12 PM EDT
Thankyou Mary, there was no way I was going to get past this guy with out cuddles, it was my last stop before heading home, so what did a bit of extra dog fur didn't hurt.
Guest - May 24, 2007 07:12 PM EDT
Cute capture Lorraine. He is adorable. Did you give him some cuddles? :)

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