Park Skating Rink

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Member: A.Lovely
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As I walked I noticed the skating rink had melted and was showing reflections of the older homes that surround the park.  This winter has been above average in temperature.  I stopped to catch a capture of the water that will become frozen again in a few days. The children were in school at the time a took this capture. I shall return and get another view of the rink when it is in use and once again being used for ice skating.


I first encountered

Vishal - Oct 13, 2015 04:58 PM EDT
I first encountered coin deisopt trolleys ten years ago in Poland and thought it was the weirdest thing. I naturally assumed that Poland was just full of trolley thieves. A few years later, I started seeing it elsewhere in Europe, though I never encountered trolleys that prefer to roll sideways until I live in England. They were the most annoying things ever, especially if I was wearing dressy shoes with not very much grip on the soles because I would try to push the trolley around a corner and my feet would just slide all over the place and I looked like a total klutz. I wasn't happy to find sideways coin deisopt trolleys here and I try to take my fiance with me whenever I can and make him push the trolley. If I have to go by myself, I always try to manage with just two baskets.
Ann - Feb 10, 2012 06:59 PM EDT
Thanks Alan for your comments. It will be great as of Monday for ice skating. Going to go down below zero with strong winds. Today, was in the low 40's. Our weather has been actually very warm this year. Record breaking warmth. Zoe and I went to an other park today on the east side of the city. Just a small amount of snow. Snow coming in on Saturday night and Sunday the bitter cold that will once again freeze this park's skating rink.

Beautiful Photo!

~Alan~ - Feb 08, 2012 10:06 AM EDT
What a great view and the reflections are beautiful.. That sure looks like a great place to skate.

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