Our Back Garden

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Member: Jas
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This is our back garden during the summer of 2006. It looks pretty much the same this year.

In this shot, we had it planted out with bedding plants, consisting of Begonias and Impatiens. The plants were grown in our greenhouse, seen to the right of the picture.

I took this image looking towards the bottom of the garden. A rectangular planter, filled with a mixture of Surfinias; trailing Geraniums, Impatiens and Verbena, (all in different shades of pink)is in the foreground.

You can see a beautiful, blue, hydrangea to the side of the garden shed and the garden continues about another 40-50 feet beyond that and is mainly lawn and shrubs of varying kinds.

We are very lucky that we back on to agricultural land and so, are not overlooked.

Thanks for looking. :)


Jas - Aug 16, 2008 07:46 AM EDT
Thank you Mary. No, the lighting is run by electricity and was a gift from one of our Sons: the building on the left, is our garden shed, where we keep bikes, lawnmower etc. but, I agree, it could be transformed into a little den and would have a really nice outlook. We have an area of decking, just outside our lounge, for relaxing and enjoying the garden views and this is lovely, on a nice day. I love the idea of a pond, but we have little people to consider and my husband thinks it would be a little dangerous if one should fall in! Thanks so much for all your feedback. :)
marysham - Aug 15, 2008 06:08 PM EDT
Jas, what a lovely and colorful garden. Are those solar lights in the background? The little building on the left in the background, looks like it could be a mini cottage for quiet time to sit and read, listen to music, and have a cup of tea. You need a little pond to go with this setting! :) Beautiful!
Jas - Aug 15, 2008 12:40 PM EDT
Chriss, Mike and Carol, thank you all for the nice comments about our garden. I have to say Mike, that my husband works really hard out here and if it weren't for him, it wouldn't be looking quite as nice as it does. The hydrangeas vary in colour depending on where they are in the garden. You are correct about the growing conditions; the blue ones are growing in acid soil and, many years ago, there was a forest here. We also have quite a few rhododendrons and azeleas, which also love acid soil. We have hydrangeas near our greenhouse and closer to our home, which range from blue, through lilac, to bright pink; one bloom has a mix of three different colours! The soil in this part of the garden doesn't have as much acid, hence the different colours. :)
shutterbug - Aug 15, 2008 06:10 AM EDT
Beautiful gardens! Carol
GRUMPY - Aug 15, 2008 05:04 AM EDT
lovely jas how do you manage to travel and look after a wonderfull garden? i am jealous i would love this size garden only to house more owls lol and for the 3 dogs to run in i do love the coluors a very good mixture! have you thought of changing the ph level in the area where the blue hydrangea is? i am lead to understand that the colours are due to the acidity in the ground and the flower acts like litmus paper showing different colours depending on the strenght of acid in ground
chriss35 - Aug 13, 2008 02:02 PM EDT
Once again Jas a lovely image of your garden and the colours are so so beautiful. Chriss:)

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