On Redwater Lake

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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About This Image

This was originally created for my brother on his birthday this year. I showed the finished card earlier, but it doesn't show the intensity of the rreflected imagery.


Guest - Apr 07, 2005 08:56 PM EDT
Thank you, Austin - it's amazing how carefree we are in our youth - we often forget that as we get older - it's a pity too. I've been rediscovering it aparently as I've taken many photos without fear of consequence only to have family and friends berate me for walking on dangerous grounds due to unknown wildlife! (Oops!)
Guest - Apr 06, 2005 07:54 PM EDT
Beautiful photo. Reminds me of my teen years. I spent most summers and winters for that matter playing in cypress swamps wearing nothing more than shorts. One day I watched a cottonmouth vanish under the black water just a few feet from me. That made me stop and think! But I was right back out there the next day, barefoot and carefree!
Guest - Mar 08, 2005 09:12 PM EDT
Thank you, Karen and Alex - it almost seems like a lifetime ago, waking up to snow cover in Virginia this morning!!!!
Guest - Mar 07, 2005 08:37 PM EDT
This wonderful image caught my eye.
Guest - Mar 06, 2005 03:59 AM EDT
Beautiful study of water reflection. I like it.
Guest - Mar 04, 2005 08:27 PM EDT
Thank you both - I think some people shy away from this one in its smaller version - but I'm rather proud of it
Guest - Mar 04, 2005 07:26 PM EDT
Artistic reflections...a lovely photo.
Guest - Mar 04, 2005 06:45 PM EDT
It really is intense. I like the ripply reflection.

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