October Day in Maine

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Score: 12.85
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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

As I took this capture, I knew I needed more in the center of the capture. But, when I took this capture it was so peaceful, without wind and the earth had a wonderful aroma to it. The two people that were leaving the field seemed to wonder why I was there with the camera. I guess they may have forgotten the beauty after a long day's work in the fields. I had just stopped to look and it seemed to just fill my senses. Autumn is such an enjoyable season. But, aren't all the seasons? :-)


A.Lovely - Oct 15, 2009 11:16 AM EDT
Thank you Zoya for stopping in to view and leaving a comment. Winter? Well, I love it for about a month or maybe two. Actually, it's not the weather that bothers me in the winter. It's the shoveling the deck and car out of drifts. But then again, it is exercise of a sort.
Zoya - Oct 15, 2009 09:57 AM EDT
ah yes all seasons except winter are enjoyable Any who i love this capture as well. great shot

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