Ocean Fishing

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Member: bubbalinn
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In Oregon it is easy to be above things with cliffs everywhere along the coast. I did not see this fisherman for a while. I was looking for whales when I heard his fishing reel. He must have been a good climber to get where he was. No way would I climb down there..


I love one tree hill

Abassi - Sep 20, 2015 12:42 PM EDT
I love one tree hill! hope they mae a seaon 8 it would be silly not to. . . Love Jamie he is so cut & its brill the way they make it out that he understands & helps evernoye when they are down or just simply need a little advice he makes everything sound simple! i LOVE clay & Quin i would hate it if thats where theyre story ends this really helps other people see bad thngs happen but life goes on i think its so wondeful to watch! it makes me cry every episode but then you are laughing that hard! also the mixtures of all the different feelings yo have with watching different parts is wonderful. Hayley & Nathan have been through so much & are still strong its great to see them last! Brooke & Julian ae a wonderfl couple it would be a shame for them notto be abke to have theyre own family after everything she has been through with ehr own mother, i think sh wouls make one of the better mothers oout there! Lastly Alex she is a wonderful irl & it just shows how one silly thing can change your life for good. . . Really hope her& chase get together settle downmake good friends and have a life rather than a hotel oom with nay guys that sh picks up ! Please make a season 8 !!!
Guest - Aug 30, 2006 08:13 PM EDT
The fisherman adds a lot of interest and scale to this one. Nice job.
Guest - Aug 29, 2006 09:10 PM EDT
Thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments. We did not see any sharks or whales, and the guy was still on the rocks fishing when we left. It did look dangerous to me, but he seemed to be right at home there on the rocks.
Guest - Aug 29, 2006 03:00 PM EDT
Nice shot Alan,but I hope he didn't hook one of those whales.
Guest - Aug 29, 2006 01:04 AM EDT
Cool shot Alan! It does look dangerous there though. A nice capture. No whales? Don
Guest - Aug 28, 2006 08:04 PM EDT
I like the scene and angle you took the photo from. I can picture him hooking a shark and it pulls him right off the rocks. Looks like a dangerous place to fish from.
Guest - Aug 28, 2006 07:56 PM EDT
very nice shot, Alan. And that was a nice surprise to suddenly notice the fisherman on the rocks below. I like the contrast between the craggy rocks and the sea. good colour too.
Guest - Aug 28, 2006 07:38 PM EDT
Very interesting photo, hope the guy is careful reeling a fish in there. Carol

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