Northbound Along the Susquehanna

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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Somehow I missed this tiny island along the river before.


Guest - Jun 10, 2006 12:57 PM EDT
Thank you for your comments. It's a beautiful river.
Guest - Jun 05, 2006 01:17 AM EDT
The lighting on this photo is perfect. The clouds on the river is splendid causing a dream like quality to it. A very beautiful scene.
Guest - May 30, 2006 09:25 AM EDT
Thank you for your comments, Carol, Talsi and Alandra. The river is dotted with islands such as this, but they are not habitable. The Susquehanna has a nasty temperment and subject to major floods. The day I spotted this one I was actually looking for a safe spot by the river's edge to shoot back up towards the campground to give an idea of how high recent flood waters have been. Even the train bridge I placed on here recently has been closed due to past floods. I'm glad you approve of the frame, Talsi - I enjoy working with them as I print some for my RV, but cannot frame them traditionally for travel purposes. These faux frames make a good finish on my walls.
Guest - May 29, 2006 11:51 PM EDT
glad you found the island this time, Vicki, - how neat it is, so small! Wonder if anyone lives there. Tranquil scene again. Love the reflection of the clouds in the water.
Guest - May 29, 2006 11:20 PM EDT
Beautiful and relaxing scenic, made even better with the framing.
Guest - May 29, 2006 06:50 PM EDT
Beautiful river scene ,the reflections are great too. Carol

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