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Member: lorraine
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My husband cut this tree hard back I was not there to keep an eye on him and thought he might have killed it, but there is nice new growth, its going to be a much better size now, and I'm glad to see that the tree is quite hardy.


lorraine - Nov 21, 2008 05:31 AM EDT
Thankyou so much Don, Alandra and Ann for the kind comments I'm glad for the chuckle he has given all, we went around the garden the other night, one poor tree is not doing to good it may well have had it's day, just in passing I said it looks like it's done it's dash and may have to come down, he was off like a shot, I asked him what was the hurry, all he said was I'm getting the chainsaw. when I said no not yet, the look on his face. I had to explain it just might be a little slow gettin it's spring growth this year. I'm going to have to hide that darn chainsaw!
A.Lovely - Nov 19, 2008 12:40 PM EDT
Lorraine, I got a chuckle over this capture.
alandrapal - Nov 17, 2008 11:06 PM EDT
husbands seem to have a habit of doing things like that, Lorraine :) Am often having the same problem :)
donwrob - Nov 17, 2008 10:08 PM EDT
But the chainsaw is so much quicker! LOL, just trust us when we trim. Stuff grows back...see! Great shot Lorraine, that tree will be a beauty for sure. Mostly due to your husbands expert trimming! :-) Don
lorraine - Nov 17, 2008 09:37 PM EDT
Thankyou talsi for looking in, I should have known he was up to know good when I heard the chainsaw, my husband is never to be trusted let loose with a chainsaw, he has to be under strict supervision at all times, No matter how many times I've told him you prune with the clippers or pruners, NOT the chainsaw.
talsi - Nov 17, 2008 08:20 PM EDT
Glad to hear he didn't kill the tree. We won't be having any new growth for 4-5months yet.

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