Martha Washington geranium

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Martha Washington geranium growing in a planter on our front patio during the summer


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Beautiful, beautiful

Juanita Lawson - May 23, 2013 10:13 PM EDT
Where can I purchase this gorgeous plant?
Wilma - Aug 21, 2010 12:57 PM EDT
A big surprise this year with my MW geranium. After danger of frost, I planted it directly into the garden and even tho we've had an exceptionally hot summer, it has never been without a bloom. Not as gorgeous as the one pictured, but I was happy to see anything at all. I'm looking into how to take a cutting to raise indoors this winter.
Wilma - Apr 21, 2010 10:13 AM EDT
This is a gorgeous geranium. I was tempted to buy one this weekend and found a white/purple combo. I haven't much experience with them, so went to google MW geraniums and who should be there but you Alandra and this beautiful photo. Anyway, it's inside now until the temps warm up so I wondering if it would be best planted in a planter ina cooler shady area, or directly into the ground. It gets very hot here, sun or no sun. Also, was surprised to see a comment here by a fellow Pennsylvanian from Pottstown, which is but a half hour's drive from our home.
alandrapal - Mar 31, 2009 04:07 AM EDT
thanks Brian. Am looking forward to having some more of these this summer. Seems such a long winter this time, as we had snow much earlier than usual here.
azkul - Mar 25, 2009 05:25 PM EDT
Those are wonderful flowers. I'd like to have some in a pot on my front porch as well.
Guest - Oct 29, 2007 11:12 PM EDT
I don't know for sure, as it's only the "regular" type of geraniums/pelargoniums we've overwintered. We have some ivy leaved geraniums that am thinking we should try to overwinter also, those are the trailing types. Probably the best bet would be to call your local garden center to ask their advice. I'd probably cut the Martha W's back a bit tho', but ask the experts to be certain : ) If you cut plants back, they usually start new growth at the base. You could also try getting some of the cuttings to "root", to start new plants. There are special "rooting compounds" (powder) that you dip the cut end into, which promotes roots forming.
Guest - Oct 29, 2007 01:37 PM EDT
We enjoyed three Martha Washington's this summer and now are reluctant to part company with them. If I bring them indoors, should I clip them back? If so, how far? Right now they are a bit long and straggly. What about feeding? Would love to have them for next season!!!
Guest - Oct 09, 2007 06:11 PM EDT
you could try bringing it indoors, but don't forget to water it :) We haven't done this with any of our MW's geraniums,but have done it with the regular geraniums/pelargoniums, quite successfully. Our problem is sometimes we forget to water stuff that we bring indoors during winter :) good luck with yours.
Guest - Oct 09, 2007 04:11 PM EDT
I have a very beautiful MW in a planter on patio. Would like to know how to winter it.
Guest - Aug 14, 2007 11:35 PM EDT
good to see you here, Dud, many thanks.
Guest - Aug 14, 2007 12:30 PM EDT
This is gorgeous.
Guest - Jul 23, 2007 04:52 PM EDT
thanks Rene from Calgary for taking time to look and leave a nice comment :) I have a bi-coloured darker red one this summer, but I dropped something on it from the window above, which didn't help, and now our weather has turned miserable, so it's not doing as well as this one did. They are lovely plants
Guest - Jul 23, 2007 02:51 PM EDT
I love the picture. I have the exact colour in my garden. They are beautiful. Great pic.
Guest - Jul 04, 2007 11:19 PM EDT
thanks very much, Susan, am late with this, as only just found your comment from June. appreciated as always.
Guest - Jun 20, 2007 09:20 PM EDT
This is beautiful, just love the colour.
Guest - May 13, 2007 05:10 PM EDT
thanks to Babe from Utah and for gramma from nj for the comments, and also for the hints on care of this Martha Washington geranium. I never knew the name of that one, so good to know it. thanks. glad you like it.
Guest - May 13, 2007 03:55 PM EDT
“Baroness” is the color. Loves semi-shade, not the hot afternoon 'beating down sun'. Let it dry out a bit before watering. This is a goreous photo, thank you for sharing.
Guest - May 05, 2007 05:39 PM EDT
My husband just bought me one just like this one for Mothers Day. It gets very hot here in the summer. I have put it in the shade today. Does it need lots of sun and how often do I water it. Do I have to water it with special water? Thanks
Guest - Sep 21, 2006 03:24 AM EDT
thankyou Deb from Alaska, only just saw your comment from July and now it's 20th September!
Guest - Jul 26, 2006 06:30 PM EDT
Wow. My MW's never get that big up here-gorgeous!
Guest - May 16, 2006 07:05 PM EDT
thankyou Pat, in Ohio, for taking time to leave a comment : )
Guest - May 16, 2006 06:47 PM EDT
Pretty, Pretty! Nice pic.
Guest - Jun 05, 2005 04:02 PM EDT
this photo seems to often be looked at, but nobody comments. (except Carol : ) I wonder why it's so popular
Guest - May 28, 2005 08:11 PM EDT
thanks Carol, can't wait to get some more this summer. went looking for the regular geraniums today, but didn't find those great salmon coloured Rocky Mountain Salmon geraniums that we loved last year. will keep looking.
Guest - May 28, 2005 04:54 PM EDT
This is a beautiful picture of the geranium, so clear and sharp. Carol

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