Leaving art room verse
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This is a photo of the art room at one of the college buildings where I worked with my husband (my boss- very handy!)
The college took over my old school the year I left. Three years later, I was back as a teacher! It is a fascinatingly varied building dating from the eighteen hundreds with just some modernisations. The character was certainly never lost.
With the camera, I was trying to capture the wonderful light in this room. Learning light and photography is not an easy game for me! It is still at the trial and error stage!
That building has now been sold by the college. This photo was taken at the end of one day of packing for a newer place. All was empty, silent and still. Never known it like that. Usually full of people, life, noise, business and laughter. It is this overwhelming feeling which the few lines of verse was aimed to express.
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