Kowhai Nest

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Score: 17.46
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Member: meridianz
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About This Image

My 4 year old son made a nest using chicken wire, wood shavings and Kowhai (a NZ native) flowers. I just had to capture his creativity! He was sure the birds would love it!


Guest - Sep 08, 2005 01:02 AM EDT
this is such a dear offering from your little son, for the birds. The added touch of the kowhai flowers to the outside of the nest, is sweet.
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 03:32 AM EDT
I agree with Mel. Deborah's feedback is great because she is a great photographer. I'm envious when I look at her photos. I do think, like Mel says, that this looks like its been done in a studio because of the lighting. I've seen where it was taken and it sure isn't a studio. The effect is great.
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 03:29 AM EDT
Hi Shiz, Deborah (Silverdebster) introduced me to The Lens Flare site. I'm pleased she has found your's and Lulu's photo's. Deborah has a lot of experience and gives great feedback.
Guest - Jul 26, 2005 12:21 AM EDT
Thanks Silverdebster. A fellow kiwi I see, you would appreciate the beautiful Kowhai!!
Guest - Jul 25, 2005 09:45 PM EDT
I like this, with life and colour still in the kowhai flowers. Very clear shot :)
Guest - Jul 25, 2005 01:52 AM EDT
Thanks Mel - you are so kind. It was taken in the recess next to the chimney by our front door.
Guest - Jul 25, 2005 01:37 AM EDT
Another comment- It looks like you have taken it in a studio, the lighting is beautiful.
Guest - Jul 25, 2005 01:36 AM EDT
This is gorgeous, I'm sure the birds will love it. It's so sharp, well done.

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