Interesting Flower

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Score: 31.72
Views: 1914
Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

Some flower that grows on a bush nearby. I have no idea what this is. If you recognize it, please let me know.


no help

eric - Feb 02, 2017 04:48 PM EDT
im using it 4 a progect
Apr 15, 2014 01:47 PM EDT
Maybe a Tibouchina urvilleana

Possible plant type

Terry Brown - Jul 02, 2012 06:10 PM EDT
I think this may be some kind of a rhododendron, though I am not by any means a plant expert.
A.Lovely - Apr 15, 2010 05:49 PM EDT
Unusal bloom and with such vibrant colors.
Karen Moen - Apr 13, 2010 10:16 PM EDT
Wow, that is a spectacular bloom. I wonder what kind of critter it attracts. The colors are beautiful.
bubbalinn - Apr 13, 2010 12:40 PM EDT
Great photo of the unusual looking but very pretty flower. Sorry I'm no help naming it.
talsi - Apr 13, 2010 09:19 AM EDT
Nice image of a very unusual flower

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